
Lane knows that when he runs, he takes about 180180 steps per minute and that each step is 3.253.25 feet long. Which calculation is most reasonable for Lane to use to find out his running speed in miles per hour?

Accepted Solution

Since we know that Lane is travelling at 180 steps per minute and that each step is 3.25 feet long, we can easily find his running speed in feet/min. This will be equal to

[tex] \frac{180}{min}* 3.25 ft=585 \frac{ft}{min} [/tex]

To find the speed in miles per hour, we just perform a dimensional analysis. We can use the conversion factors 5280 ft = 1 mile and 60 min = 1 hr to calculate for the speed in miles per hour:

[tex] \frac{585ft}{min} = \frac{1mile}{5280ft} = \frac{60min}{1hr} =6.65 \frac{miles}{hr} [/tex]